Saturday, January 31, 2015

Mr. Golgi Body | Mediocre Organelle

Settle for Mediocrity? 

Mr. Golgi Body
Mr. Golgi Body provides very basic functions of the organelle such as modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins and lipids. While these functions are helpful to the cell, Mr. Golgi Body doesn't have experience or a job that requires leadership. It simply takes orders from Mr. Nucleus and follows directions as a passive organelle.
Alzheimer's Disease

Any changes to the Golgi's proteome disrupts its function and leads to disease. Mr. Golgi Body has been directly linked to causing Alzheimer's Disease, a non-reversible brain disorder, and Achondrogenesis, a group of severe disorders that affect cartilage and bone development. Achondrogenesis occurs when the microtubules within Mr. Golgi Body fail to function.  

Choose wisely when voting.

*This message has been approved by mitochondria.

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