Saturday, January 31, 2015

Mr. Lysosome | Garbage Organelle

                                   Garbage Organelle for Organelle in Chief?

Mr. Lysosome
Mr. Lysosome has little background in politics. As a high school drop out, Mr. Lysosome works as a garbage organelle, picking up trash off the streets of Eukarya. The only skill Mr. Lysosome posesses is breaking down biological matter, which is not a highly valuable asset. He is the least qualified candidate, because of his lack of experience in leadership.

Lysosomal Storage Disorder
Lysosomal storage disorders are common failures. Caused by a deficiency of specific enzymes, LSDs prevent complex carbohydrates from being broken down. When lysosomal enzymes aren't present, glycosaminoglycans leave residue buildup in the cell. This accumulation leads to cellular malfunction.
Defects in the lysosomal system have also been linked to neonatal intestinal disorders which prevent infants from getting needed nutrients. 

Choose wisely when voting.

*This message has been approved by mitochondria.

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